About conference

We are witnessing a great event: after 50 years, Budapest and Hungary will once again host a world exhibition of hunting. After the legendary 1971 Budapest World Expo, in September and October, 2021 Hungary will again be the centre of the world of hunting, during the “One With Nature” World of Hunting and Nature Exhibition. Between 29 September and 3 October, 2021 there will be a major international hunting conference focusing primarily on the following: the challenges, beauty and field experiences provided by hunting and wildlife management, including the conservation of nature, habitats and game species; current issues in game health; innovative field projects and solutions; visions for the future of hunting; and the legal background to hunting legislation. These are the themes and topics that actually determine the future of hunting and game management, in Europe and worldwide.

Among the speakers whom we have invited are international and Hungarian practical experts who are passionate hunters and who hunt nearly every day, and who can therefore share their personal experiences on their chosen topics. The range of countries from which international speakers have been invited is very diverse and rich: from Croatia, Slovakia, Belgium, Germany and England to the USA, Canada and beyond to Namibia. So at this conference almost the full spectrum of the hunting world can be represented.

Each of the conference’s five (actually 4+1) days will cover a different theme, aiming to represent the current developments, questions and answers, struggles, challenges, beauty – and even the possible dangers – of Hungarian and international wildlife management.

The aim of the organizers has been to provide relatively short presentations of 20–25 minutes each, thus presenting as many speakers as possible throughout the conference.

During the invitation and selection process, the aim of the organizers has been to find the right experts with day-to-day practical experience, avoiding theoretical and somewhat dry approaches to the given topics.

If the organizers’ dreams come true, visitors will be able to attend an exciting and useful series of talks drawing on and building on the practical experience.